Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tucker is trying to crawl and is getting ready for Christmas!

Tucker is trying so hard to crawl with his belly off the floor. He makes a few moves, plunges into a toy with his head, and then begans belly crawling. Doesn't his smile in the last picture look like Brett's sideway smile? I love it! There is a picture of him reading a book (his most favorite thing!) He loves to pull up on the ottoman and play with his toys and books. He is also loving the Christmas tree. I love my Tuck and feel so blessed to have such a happy son! Tucker is 7 months in these photos.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Big Pumpkin...

A friend of mine had taken a photo of her son inside a pumpkin, so I thought I would try it with Tucker. I think it would have been cuter if he didn't have a white shirt on, but it was really cold outside that day.


On Halloween, we went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood with some friends. Tucker was a pumpkin (so original!)

I love my pap-paps!

If you know Tucker, you know that he takes his pacifier (pap-pap) seriously. In fact, he tries to insert more than one at a time! My silly mother decided to sew a pacifier on the Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. It drives Tucker crazy that Mickey has one of his pap-paps! He tries to get the pacifier out with his hand as well as his mouth. It is so funny but after a few minutes, it turns into an obessesion and we have to hide Mickey.

Tucker at 6 months....

It's been over a month since my last blog! This is Tucker at 6 months (he's actually 7 months in a couple of days). I think he is so cute in his camoflauge with his daddy. He has really been a daddy's boy lately.