Saturday, December 26, 2009

Tucker's First Christmas

I cannot imagine how many toys come into your home on Christmas when you have two children! Tucker has turned our living room into a toy store! I couldn’t even bear to take a picture. Anyway, we had a wonderful Christmas! It is amazing how such a precious gift can change everything. Tucker is my best gift of all! This was by far my and Brett’s best Christmas.

Our Cozy Cabin / Racoon Sanctuary!

Two years ago, Brett found this place called Doublehead Resort in Town Creek, AL. We stayed there and loved it. It's a three bedroom cabin with a wood burning fireplace. Well, our first trip two years ago was restful. The whole idea of this place is to do nothing since there is absolutely nothing there but nature trails and quail hunting.

This year we stayed at this cabin for two nights on our way home from the Oprylanad Hotel. Brett's parents came and stayed for the first night (thank goodness!). First of all, Tucker was fascinated by the fire (which is no surprise if you know Brett well). So, we had to be super cautious with Tucker in this non-baby-proof cabin.

As we were eating dinner the first night we kept hearing some noise but thought it was coming from outside. After some investigation (just listening) Brett and his dad thought a squirrel or rat was in the walls. I wasn't fruiting out just yet because I was trying to get Tucker to bed and I needed to give him a bath so I was going to just jump in the bath with him. I was in the tub and Brett brought Tucker in to me. However, before he could hand Tucker to me, I heard this awful, huge animal CLAWING behind the part of the tub that you lean against (you know to relax!). This thing was climbing the back of the tub. You can imagine how loud it's nails sounded on the fiberglass. Hearing this noise, I jump up and screamed bloody murder and of course Tucker sees his mom upset so he starts screaming.

After throwing on my clothes, Tucker and I go to the living room and stand by the fire while Brett and his dad search the attic and under the cabin for this "critter." Meanwhile I have gone upstairs and put my 8 month old baby in a small shower (I didn't let the water hit him on the head) and attempted to bath him. Of course, he is still a little shaken by the bloody murder scream so although the shower wasn't hurting him at all, he starts fruiting out and screaming like he does at the doctor! Finally, after literally 2 minutes, the bath/shower is over and Tucker is getting his pajamas on.

Being coon hunters, Brett and his father know coon poop when they see it and they come to the conclusion that the critter is definately a coon. We call critter control and they cannot do anything to get the coon out, they said he would have to come out on his on. They could only offer to move us ot a different cabin. Anyone with a baby knows how much moving this would involve, so I decide to ride it out. The critter control man sets out a trap outside the cabin. All night, I hear the coon playing with acorns above my head.

We did not catch the coon that night and the next day he sleeps all day. The second night he wakes up and starts stirring around 5 pm. Brett and I have a huge fire going and it starts to die out but I make Brett put on the last log. He knew that there wasn't enough fire but decided to do it anyway. That morning at 4 am I wake up to the coon squalling and smoke. The log had not burned but fell off the grate and sat on the ashes. Brett discovered that we had smoked the coon out of the cabin, which is a real technique that coon hunters use when they can't get a coon out of a tree. They start a small fire at the bottom of the tree in a little hole and it runs the coon out of the tree! We were happy to have helped the next family who stayed in the cabin. Anyway, it was funny and we had a really good time. Thank you Patti and Ronnie for all of the good food and company! We love you!

Tucker's First Vacation

We went to The Opryland Hotel to visit my friend Kristen from Tennessee. She is a great photographer and took lots of cute pictures of Tucker. She has three adorable children! We had such a great time!

Thanksgiving in Birmingham

Here are some pictures of Tucker with Brett's family in Birmingham.

Thanksgiving in Prattville

I'm a little behind on my posts so be patient! These are some pictures from Thanksgiving with my mother's family. Tucker loves playing with his sweet cousins. Owen is 4 months older than Tucker and I'm looking forward to watching them grow up together. (Tucker is 7 months)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Tucker is trying to crawl and is getting ready for Christmas!

Tucker is trying so hard to crawl with his belly off the floor. He makes a few moves, plunges into a toy with his head, and then begans belly crawling. Doesn't his smile in the last picture look like Brett's sideway smile? I love it! There is a picture of him reading a book (his most favorite thing!) He loves to pull up on the ottoman and play with his toys and books. He is also loving the Christmas tree. I love my Tuck and feel so blessed to have such a happy son! Tucker is 7 months in these photos.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

The Big Pumpkin...

A friend of mine had taken a photo of her son inside a pumpkin, so I thought I would try it with Tucker. I think it would have been cuter if he didn't have a white shirt on, but it was really cold outside that day.


On Halloween, we went trick-or-treating around our neighborhood with some friends. Tucker was a pumpkin (so original!)

I love my pap-paps!

If you know Tucker, you know that he takes his pacifier (pap-pap) seriously. In fact, he tries to insert more than one at a time! My silly mother decided to sew a pacifier on the Mickey Mouse stuffed animal. It drives Tucker crazy that Mickey has one of his pap-paps! He tries to get the pacifier out with his hand as well as his mouth. It is so funny but after a few minutes, it turns into an obessesion and we have to hide Mickey.

Tucker at 6 months....

It's been over a month since my last blog! This is Tucker at 6 months (he's actually 7 months in a couple of days). I think he is so cute in his camoflauge with his daddy. He has really been a daddy's boy lately.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Fun at the Pumpkin Patch!

Tucker went to the Pumpkin Patch twice this weekend. Sara Kate (our neighbor) had a party on Friday and Marshall had one on Saturday. Tucker didn't get to get his picture made with either one of the birthday kids but he did get his picture made with Sara Kate's brother Luke. I can't wait until next year when he can enjoy some of the rides.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Auburn vs. Alabama

Poor Tucker is confused as to which side he is on! He is 3 months in the Alabama outfit and 5 months in the Auburn. Either way he chooses, I will still love my little Tuck! He is such a bundle of joy!

Monday, August 24, 2009

Barker's Wildgame Cookout 2009

Brett decided to have a wildgame cookout so he could clean out the freezer to get ready for the 2009 -2010 hunting season. We invited some of our friends and family to enjoy the wildgame. There were so many precious children! We cooked deer, dove, duck, quail, and wild hog. Some girls even tried the wildgame but we also had chicken for those who were not so brave. It was perfect weather and we enjoyed spending time with everyone. Maybe next year we'll have enough meat for a Barker's 2010 Wildgame Cookout!

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Tucker's Dedication

Tucker's baby dedication was this past Sunday. There was about ten other babies dedicated along with him. Tucker was patient and did a great job! He did have a spit-up episode while he was in front of the church but thankfully not while the preacher was talking to him.

Here are a few pictures of Tucker's big day with his Papa, Grammy, and Uncle Ryan. Tucker, mommy and daddy love you and we promise to live by Proverbs 22:6 "Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it. "

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Cute Boy!

I just wanted to share this picture of Tuck. The crab outfit is one of my favorites that a sweet friend let me borrow. We went to Peach Park tonight to eat some peach icecream and I of course had to take a picture with Tucker holding a peach.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mother's Retirement / Tucker's Big Mess

Mother had a small retirement party today at her office. My family and I are so happy for her! She has worked hard her entire life and deserves some rest. However, she is keeping Tucker when I go back to work, so I'm not sure how much rest she will get!
My friends have told me stories of their children having really bad poops and ruining their outfits. Well, I guess I thought my child was the exception because he has never done such a thing until today. After most people had left the party, Tucker finished a bottle and OUT OF NOWHERE poop comes out of his diaper! It got all over my outfit, his, and all over the floor! I guess this really can happen. I'm just glad the party was over and not many people had to witness this event! I hope Mother enjoys taking care of these little messes! Tucker - I love you so much and I don't care how many accidents you have!