Thursday, July 30, 2009

Mother's Retirement / Tucker's Big Mess

Mother had a small retirement party today at her office. My family and I are so happy for her! She has worked hard her entire life and deserves some rest. However, she is keeping Tucker when I go back to work, so I'm not sure how much rest she will get!
My friends have told me stories of their children having really bad poops and ruining their outfits. Well, I guess I thought my child was the exception because he has never done such a thing until today. After most people had left the party, Tucker finished a bottle and OUT OF NOWHERE poop comes out of his diaper! It got all over my outfit, his, and all over the floor! I guess this really can happen. I'm just glad the party was over and not many people had to witness this event! I hope Mother enjoys taking care of these little messes! Tucker - I love you so much and I don't care how many accidents you have!


Tucker has two sweet friends that live across the street - Sara Kate and Luke Moatts. Sara Kate is 5 and starting kindergarten this year. Luke is just 6 weeks older than Tucker. Jill and I are hoping that our boys will enjoy playing together. We won't have to worry about them because Sara Kate will keep them straight!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Tucker's Fish!

Brett bought this outfit for Tucker at the I.C.A.S.T. show in Orlando. It's a little tight; Tucker weighs 15 pounds! Brett cannot wait to go fishing with his little Tuck.